This year St Saviour’s National School is in the process of re-applying for an Active Flag. We have carried out surveys identifying our strengths and areas needing improving in terms of how active we are as a school community. We thoroughly believe in the importance of healthy minds and bodies. In this section of the website, you will find information on everything relating to our journey towards achieving this.
Physical Education in St Saviour’s N.S.
We in St Saviour’s N.S strive to ensure that the key messages of the Physical Education Curriculum are implemented in our lessons.
• The importance of enjoyment and play
• Maximum participation by all children
• Development of skills and understanding
• Balance between competitive and non-competitive activities
• Balance between contact and non-contact activities
• Providing opportunities for achievement for every child Providing activities equally suitable for boys and girls
Every child is provided with 60 minutes timetabled P.E. per week as well as lots of opportunities to work with our sport and well being partners. All classes are taught at least 5 different P.E. strands each year including Athletics, Aquatics, Dance, Gymnastics, Games and Outdoor and Adventure.
Children also participate in 'in class' active breaks such as:
• Bizzy Breaks
• Go Noodle Website
• 10@10 Class work out videos
Active Playgrounds
We are very lucky in St Saviour’s National School to have access to three yards and a large field where the children can play at lunchtime. Our school yards are zoned to allow children to engage in a variety of different activities. Our school has trained pupils as Playground Leaders and every child and member of staff is encouraged to “Do Your Talking as You’re Walking”
Here is our current schedule of sports activities:
- Monday – After School – GAA (Boys& Girls)
- Tuesday- GAA for infants
- Wednesday - During School - Yoga and swimming
- Thursday – During School – GAA, Boxing
- Friday -
We also participate in Athletics, Soccer, Zumba and Gymnastics throughout the school year.