The Diegmann Library
The Diegmann Library was opened in 2004. It has become an integral part of our school. Every class from Early Start through to 6th Class visit the library every week to loan and return books. We have a lovely junior storytelling room, a main Library which houses 6,700 books, both fiction and non- fiction and also a large selection of Teacher Resources. We also have a small computer room which is constantly used to its full advantage.
Read MoreEarly Start Programme
The Early Start programme is the only Department of Education and primary school teacher led programme in the South East. The aim of the programme is to ensure children get the best start in the primary school system. The programme is staffed by a fully qualified primary school teacher and a fully qualified childcare worker. There is two sessions daily one staring at 8.50am - 11.30am, and the second session starting at 12 noon - 2.30pm. Class size is 15 in each session. There is a strong focus on pre reading and pre writing activities. The Aistear programme is...
Read MoreGreen School News
In June 2019 we were awarded our sixth Green Flag- "Global citizenship, litter and waste". The children have worked very hard in class around the theme of global citizenship. They planted some wonderful raised beds to encourage wildlife into our school grounds. A wormery was installed in the Junior Yard along with benches to be used as an outdoor classroom. Thank you to our Green School committee, the local groups that helped with these activities and of course Mrs. Wilson who worked very hard to coordinate this...
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